A History Of Great Mistakes

The luck of the Irish – pt 3
March 3, 2009, 12:00 pm
Filed under: Dublin | Tags: , , , , ,

(Wait! There’s a part 1 and a part 2 to the below – check them out first…!)

Having never been abroad before, I was excited, intrigued and completely hyper during my train journey to Holyhead.

My little mini-disc player had been crammed full of party music and podcasts for the journey, but for the most part it sat untouched in my coat pocket.

I was totally made up that I was going abroad. To Ireland. With my mates.

There was no other conclusion to reach in my head – it was going to be a brilliant time.

As I got off the train and threw my rucksack over my shoulder, I spotted Lewis and Gez out of the corner of my eye. It was a moment of true man love when I ran up to them both and hugged them senseless. In slow motion, I imagine it would have been quite a sight. Especially as Gez didn’t see me coming, turned around at the wrong moment and very nearly decked me.

“So, Lewis!” I said, adjusting the straps of my rucksack with one arm around his shoulder “why the sudden about face?”

Lewis looked at the ground. “It’s a bit difficult to explain see…” he said, slowly turning away and walking towards the station exit. “Essentially…” Lewis said, pausing as he walked, “…I didn’t budget well enough, and was a bit broke.”

“Riiighht…” I replied, wondering what was new information out of everything he’d told me previously.

“So… You see…” continued Lewis “…I couldn’t really afford it when it came to the crunch like…”

“Essentially Pete – what Lewis is trying to say, is that he went on a few trips over the past three weeks” said Gez, jumping in. “Apparently, three of those involved 150 mile round trips to see friends in South England. Each, because of Lewis’ car, costing somewhere in the region of £80 each. Add this to the rent arrears he owed his landlord, his credit card bill and eating, and you’re left with no holiday.”

“Aaaahhh…” I said, beginning to understand. “But what changed?”

“That” answered Gez, “was an option that apparently was always open. He borrowed the money off his Mom and Dad.”

“Option always open?” I queried.

“Yeah. Apparently it was on the table before he called us, but he didn’t want to go for it, as it would mean paying it off with work on their house…” said Gez, looking at Lewis.

I turned to look at Lewis. Are you telling me that all you had to do was paint a few rooms and mow the lawn to get the holiday?!? And you had us thinking that there were no options left?!?” I said, scowling.

“Erm…” replied Lewis, sheepishly.

After a short walk to the port (pretty much in silence), I put my bag down onto the floor by the entrance and took a deep breath of sea air. I loved being by the sea. My thoughts drifted back to living with Dad in Borth, and how I used to listen to the sea crashing against the shore in the evening before slowly drifting off to sleep. I’d always been so calm when I lived with Dad. Back then however, I would be anything but calm at work.

I took another deep breath. ‘Time to leave work in England’ I thought.

And as if by magic – simply with that idea – I completely relaxed.

“Hey Gez” I said, smiling “where are the ferry tickets?”

“Good question” he replied, turning to Lewis “I left him in charge. So where are they Lew?

“Erm…” said Lewis.

Gez and I looked at each other. I felt my eye twitch.

“Now don’t be mad boys…” continued Lewis, backing away slightly “…but I haven’t exactly bought them yet.”

“You… What…?” I said, spasming sightly. “The ferry is leaving at 10:30 for Dun Laoghaire, the world and his dog appear to be around us, it’s 10 now – and you haven’t bought the tickets yet? The one lone simple little job that we asked you to do while Gez sorted out accomodation and I sorted out insurance and the Euros? THAT ONE LITTLE JOB?

My shoulders tensed up and I felt myself growl.

“Erm… I’ll be right back…” said Lewis, joining the ticket waiting line.

After managing to get three of the last tickets going – we ran over towards the ferry and jumped on board.

The ferry – was a very strange place for me, filled full of wonder. It reminded me of a small casino, nightclub, bar, shopping centre and hotel all rolled into one – but with a little bit here and there missing from almost every section. The bar however – had nothing missing.

Lewis, Gez and I sat down together and enjoyed a pre-Ireland Guiness.

“To the first of many!” said Gez, raising his glass.

“Cheers!” said Lewis and I, touching glasses with Gez.

While we sailed away from England, I learned three things:

  1. Gez, does not like boats;
  2. Lewis, Gez and I can all drink four pints of Guiness each in under two hours, and;
  3. Gez can vomit up four pints of Guiness in approximately 15 seconds over the side of a ferry.

As we arrived into Dun Laohaire, Gez wasn’t looking 100%.

“I’m not feeling great lads” he said, walking slowly off the boat. “I think we should have a bit of a lie down before we do anything tonight.”

Lewis and I looked at each other and nodded.

After a short walk from the port over to the Dart station, we boarded a train headed for the city centre and sat down.

“We’re here lads!” I said, grabbing Lewis’ shoulder. “We’re in Ireland!”

Welcome to Ireland

"Welcome to Ireland lads"

“Now all we need to do is get ourselves checked in to the hotel, have a bit of a break and go out on the town…!”

“About that ‘checking in’ thing…” said Gez.

It had never occurred to me to question why Gez had brought two large bags with him. At the time, I think I’d just assumed that he’d come prepared for every eventuality.

Looking back however, the fact that one was large, green, and held together with elaborate ropes really should have tipped me off to what was in store for the week ahead.

As the ridiculously expensive taxi from the Dart station dropped us off at the camping site (some 20 minutes outside of Dublin) the heavens opened up. Wind and rain howled towards us with great and furious anger the like of which I have never seen before or since.

‘If this is going to be our week in Ireland, I’m ready to go home’ I thought…

1 Comment so far
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lol sweet memories…….was i that forgetfull?! lol roll on the next part! u forgot to mention how much of legend the cabby turned out to be! lol

Comment by lewis

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